Measured Energy is one the country's leading authorities on the implication of fiscal and no flscal measurement analysis for the oll and gas Industry, predominantly we focus on the measurement of high-pressure gas as a fuel for power stations, oil refineries and large users of gas, our clients are typically E ON/Uniper, RWE Npower, EDf Energy, ESB, GE Energy Exxon Mobile, ESSAR Oil, we also now test sites that produce bio gas around the country this business is in an early stage but has much potential and we already support 20 plus.
The testing is in accordance with national standards (we also sit on the Institute of Gas Engineers who write these standards for the UK). Each test is fundamental to the continued accuracy of billing and selling of gas as fuel, our testing and results are also used for EU ETS ( Carbon Dioxide Emission Trading).
We also support our clients with fault rectification and upgrading of metering systems selling metering products such as flow computers, meters, gas chromatographs etc. We also install and commission these and then test as required.
Each year our business has grown, many of our clients continually repeat order, we have novw have around 25 active clients and another 9 occasional clients. Some of our clients have multiple sites, so for example, we class EON as one client, but in reality we look after 6 of their power stations all of whom operate as Individuals, so, therefore, we have more than 25 active clients.
Another part of our business is engineering design and procurement of materials for GE Energy, we are their sole contractor for this in the UK and have supported around 80 projects with them.
Currently we have a team of contractors from the UK and mainland Europe that we use for support, this Industry is very unique and there are very few that have the skills or experlence.
Finally we are in the progress of becoming a major sub-supplier in the UK for a worldwide producers of measuring equipment, we have already sold these products and we are now formally becoming the UK agents.